
International Volunteering & Careers

Please read Volunteer Abroad and Application Process webpages if you wish to volunteer.
Please read Work Abroad and Career Coach webpages if you want international career services.
Please read instructions before and after Questionnaire!


Take 14 minutes to answer. You don’t need to labor over this; just breeze through it.
Briefer is better. Please use single words & phrases – NOT sentences & essays – in top half.
e.g. Personal interests? Soccer, drumming, documentaries, cooking
Leave questions intact. Just blurt answer to right of question (vs numbering or bullet points)
so we can glance and “get” your answers. Thank you for your interest in international service!

What do you want to do regarding international service?
What are your skills?
Personal interests?
Long term goals?

Where do you want to serve? Why?
When do you hope to go? For how long?
After reading NGOabroad website, what services do you seek?

What countries have you lived in or traveled to?
What languages can you speak?
What is your religion?
What experience do you have of other cultures?
What experience do you have of poverty?

When traveling, do you prefer comfort & security or rugged & adventurous?
Will you volunteer or work abroad solo? as a couple? with family? with a friend(s)?
Do you have any special concerns or considerations?
Medical conditions? Disabilities? Mental health conditions? Please specify.
(This would not necessarily exclude you; but might be smarter placed near medical resources.)
Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime? Please explain.

(Now sentences may make more sense in starred questions.)

*Please give an EXAMPLE of how you respond to new situations & the unpredictable….
Or give an example of a crisis and how you responded.

How would you describe your personality?

Most people paint themselves as saints in the Questionnaire. Please be honest about yourself:

What makes you grumpy?
What makes you anxious or scared?
What are your faults?
How do you handle your faults?

*How street smart are you? (=What level of danger can you handle on the street?) Explain.

*Describe an EXPERIENCE that reflects your resourcefulness & self-sufficiency.

If you are seeking assistance entering international work, please list the efforts that you have already made to obtain international work.

How did you hear about NGOabroad?
If found by a web search, what keywords did you use?
Have you read all of the NGOabroad website so that you are ready to proceed?

Your name?
Where were you born & raised?
Date of birth?
Where do you live now?
What do you do?
Phone? (+ country code)
(I do not use WhatsAp…but a Vonage phone to call all over the world)
Skype address?
Permanent email? (not student email account)
When can you be reached by phone?
Most calls are made to Europe, Middle East & Africa when it is evening for you/ morning for me. Often, I start making calls to the east coast North & South America after 3pm Pacific time. I call Australia/NZ when it is 11am to 2pm for you….Asia when it is morning for you
Please give 2 to 4 chunks of time when I can catch you.
Emergency contact person?
Their email & phone?


INSTRUCTIONS: Please copy & paste answered Questionnaire  with your resume pasted below into the body of an email. Please do not attach. Write your name – skills – where you hope to go & when – your phone number in subject line. Submitting Questionnaire & resume indicates to our staff that you wish to pursue one or several of our services. Please be as available as possible by email & phone so we can call you to discuss which Volunteer Opportunities or Career Services would fit best for you. (A call from 1-206-219-5562 is us trying to call you.) Please do not call us but communicate by email instead. Thank you for your interest in international service!


Please email BRIEFLY answered Questionnaire & resume to:

Please copy & paste resume/cv into body of email below Q. Do not attach.
Please put your name, skill set & phone in subject line.

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