“After searching on-line through myriad ads seeking volunteers for positions abroad, all of which sounded very similar, and for most of which you paid a large fee, I came upon NGOabroad, which sounded different.
After 40 years as a physician, I am finally in a position to retire. I needed to do something to refresh me after years of stitching, looking down throats and calls at 2am. I didn’t want to do medicine. I am grateful that Ann understood that I preferred to teach even though they need doctors at their hospital and clinic placements. Ann suggested that I teach science at a secondary school and teach at a nursing school in Uganda.
So what is different about NGOabroad? They don’t just stuff you into a generic placement doing work that anyone could do; they take the time to provide a volunteer experience tailored to your skills and goals. And equally important, they can provide placements suitable for people with years and years of experience.”
Robert Drickey
Colorado, USA